Wreck-It-Ralph Review

Image result for wreck it ralph villains

Similar to Zootopia, I believe that Wreck-It-Ralph is a very unique and contemporary film that reveals a lot of creative ideas on Disney's part. Not only do they bring in classic and legendary characters from other well-known video games, they make a story out of it and bring video games to life. I really enjoyed the film because it didn't seem like a repetitive type of story.

The topic of villainy is extremely prevalent in this film because the entire plot is based around it. Ralph, being the main villain, wants to be a part of the "in" crowd and wants to be recognized for all that he does for the game (even though he is a bad guy). I find it interesting that Disney took on the perspective of the bad guys. I don't know of many Disney classics that took on that persona, but it seems to be an ongoing trend of the new era (Maleficent, Wicked, Kronk's New Groove).  Perhaps that is the reason for all of the popularity. Everybody knows everything about the "good guys" of games, films and books, but rarely do we get the point of view of the villains. The reasoning for this perspective seems to relay the messages of "don't judge a book by its cover" and "anyone can do anything" very well.

To add to the villainy discussion, I find it intriguing how their are two classifications of villains in the story. There are the villains portrayed as evil by their game who are actually normal "people" per say in real life (Ralph, Satan, the Pac Man Ghosts, etc.), and there are the villains who are portrayed as good in their games but are actually evil in real life (King Candy). The line between what defines a villain is definitely misconstrued because the bad guy of the film is good and the good guy turns out to be bad. This could relay the message that not everybody is who you think they are and again, "don't judge a book by its cover."

An aspect of the movie that I thoroughly enjoyed was the character of Vanellope. Even though her voice can sometimes be annoying, I found her spunk and determination to be inspiring. I think that because she is a girl who is not accepted by her peers, her story and character is something many people can connect with. I also think she fulfills many little girl's dreams in creating something out of pure candy :). Another part of Vanellope's character that I found enjoyable was the relationship she had with Ralph. She accepted him for who he was (even though he had big hands) because she was an outsider just like him. The way the two created a sort of brother-sister relationship that in the end made them partners for life was adorable and again, inspiring.


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