Vanity Fair dotes on Disney's New Films

This Vanity Fair article, "Everything You Need to Know About Disneyland Pixar's Dazzling New Slate," by Joanne Robinson intricately and honestly speaks about Disney's D23 Expo (a large meeting that releases new merchandise, fan experiences and upcoming film projects) of 2017. This year Alan Horn (Chief of Disney) and John Lasseter (Disney Animator) spoke about exciting new animations that were on the horizon for Disney. They spoke of Olaf's Frozen Adventure, Wreck-It Ralph 2, The Incredibles 2, Toy Story 4 and many others. Personally, I found the Wreck-It Ralph 2 to be the most interesting because Robinson included some splurges that were given about the film. The speakers hinted that well known Disney Princesses were to be featured in the film, but instead of being stereotypically fragile they were to get down and dirty with the main characters of Wreck-It Ralph. Disney's new ideas seem fantastic and well-known. Let us hope that the sequels of these movies will be as good as the originals. The article is linked below if you would like to read more into these upcoming Disney films.


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