Giroux's second article, How Disney Magic and the Corporate Media Shape Youth Identity in the Digital Age , brought his ideas to a more respectable level. The publication of Giroux's first article was in 1994 and his most recent one was published in 2011, which is significantly more relevant to the "modern" Disney era. Although the context is more recent, Giroux still finds a way to make his pessimistic opinions about the Disney name known. The article focuses more on Disney as a corporation and how it influences children into being high end consumers of today's society. Large companies are able to have such control over cognition by way of technological advances, and now, as Giroux would say, Disney is able to insert product advertisement into "every waking moment of children's daily lives." Giroux still argues that Disney has this power because nobody is willing to stand up and criticize their facade of innocence/joy. He even goes on to say how the...